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Since its inception, UVic CfAR has provided services to or worked with major aerospace companies as well as support to SMEs as they prepare to enter the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market, or undertake space or aeronautics development activites. In Canada, these companies include Bombardier Aerospace, Qinetiq Training Systems Canada, Rigid Robotics, and government institutions such as the Canadian Space Agency, the Department of National Defense, the National Research Council, and Defense and Research Development Canada.  Internationally, UVIC CfAR has been collaborating with the US Air Force and Boeing (USA), Embraer (Brazil), and Tamagawa Seiki/Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan).

The Optical Reference Calibration Satellite (ORCASat) was a 2U CubeSat that is designed and built in-house by CfAR. ORCASat was British Columbia’s submission to the Canadian CubeSat Project (CCP). This is the first student-built CubeSat in BC which was successfully launched into space, and operated using CfAR’s own ground station for over six months.


Skya'anaSat is a 3U CubeSat, under development by the CfAR team for flight in 2025/2026 in an SSO orbit. This satellite is British Columbia’s submission to the Canadian Space Agency CubeSats Initiative in Canada for STEM (CUBICS) program, to train Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) in space science and technology by providing an unrivaled, hands-on learning experience for undergraduate and graduate students. 

Boeing Joined-Wing Sensorcraft

The Boeing joined wing sensorcraft project investigates the aeroelastic properties of a unique aircraft design.  A multidisciplinary design approach is used to develop various aspects of the vehicle, which are validated in software simulations. Flight testing of this vehicle included both rigid and aeroelastically scaled lifting surface prototypes.

Qinetiq High Endurance Vindicator (Meggitt)

The Qinetiq Training Systems 'High Endurance Vindicator' Project focused on the aerodynamic optimization of an existing wing design. Once optimized, the project included the detailed design, manufacturing and flight testing of two different scaled aircraft, the larger of which included a 'wet wing' design with the fuel tank integrated into the wing structure.

Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Research

Hybrid electric propulsion systems (HEPS) will assist in transitioning the aviation sector to more efficient propulsion systems. CFAR designed and built a parallel hybrid electric test bench to evaluate the performance of combining different propulsion types and provide insights for integrating into CFAR flight-ready aircraft.

DRDC - Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD)

The Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) Project first required extensive characterization of the magnetic signature of a VTOL aircraft. The results were modelled in COMSOL, and slight modifications made to the aircraft to 'groom' the signature.  Subtracting this signature from the data collected from the onboard CAE MAD-XR sensor allows the aircraft to fly over a region of interest and precisely locate electromagnetic sources on the ground.

DRDC Eusphyra

The Eusphyra Project for Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC) focuses on a specified mission profile which requires vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability in Arctic conditions. This bespoke aircraft design was created for MAD-sensor integration with an optimized propulsion system to minimize installed power for maximum flight endurance. The project includes several scale aircraft with advanced combination propulsion systems.

Embraer - High aspect Flexible Wings

The aerospace industry endeavours to improve aircraft efficiency, and one method is to increase wing aspect ratio. The Embraer project explored a 20kg aircraft with increased aspect ratio to validate performance of large wing deflections and aero-elastic effects. 

Boeing FOSS Wings

The Boeing Fiber-Optic Shape Sensing (FOSS) Project explored onboard sensing of wing deflections and aero-servo-elastic phenomena using specialized Bragg grating fiber optics to measure strain. A 20kg high aspect ratio fixed wing UAV was built to explore these behaviors in flight.

Multi-Agent Control and Formation Flying

The Multi-Agent Control and Formation Flying project is building expertise on precision aircraft control and real-time onboard mission coordination.  This project includes a fleet of multirotor and fixed wing aircraft with a multitude of sensor and payload capabilities.

Guidance, AI Sensing, Multi-Agent Navigation and Control

CFAR is furthering research in areas of Guidance, Navigation and Control with a variety of ongoing projects. Within this effort are strategies to increase high-level air traffic management, trajectory planning, and advanced sensing technolgies.

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